- cardioception.HBC.parameters.getParameters(participant: str = 'Participant', session: str = '001', serialPort: str = 'COM3', taskVersion: str = 'Garfinkel', setup: str = 'behavioral', screenNb: int = 0, fullscr: bool = True, resultPath: Optional[str] = None, systole_kw: dict = {}) Dict [source]#
Create Heartbeat Counting task parameters.
- Parameters
- participantstr
Subject ID. Default is ‘exteroStairCase’.
- resultPathstr or None
Where to save the results.
- screenNbint
Screen number. Used to parametrize py:func:psychopy.visual.Window. Default is set to 0.
- serialPort: str
The USB port where the pulse oximeter is plugged. Should be written as a string e.g. “COM3” for USB ports on Windows.
- sessionint
Session number. Default to ‘001’.
- setupstr
Context of oximeter recording. “behavioral” will record through a Nonin pulse oximeter, “test” will use pre-recorded pulse time series (for testing only).
- systole_kwdict
Additional keyword arguments for
.- taskVersionstr or None
Task version to run. Can be ‘Garfinkel’, ‘Shandry’, ‘test’ or None.
- Attributes
- conditions1d array-like of str
The conditions. Can be ‘Rest’, ‘Training’ or ‘Count’.
- confScalelist
The range of the confidence rating scale.
- heartLogopsychopy.visual.ImageStim
Image presented during resting conditions.
- labelsRatinglist
The labels of the confidence rating scale.
- noteStartpsychopy.sound.Sound instance
The sound that will be played when trial starts.
- noteStoppsychopy.sound.Sound instance
The sound that will be played when trial ends.
- pathstr
The task working directory.
- randomizebool
If True (default), will randomize the order of the conditions. If taskVersion is not None, will use the default task parameter instead.
- ratingbool
If True (default), will add a rating scale after the evaluation.
- restLengthint
The length of the resting period (seconds). Default is 300 seconds.
- restLogopsychopy.visual.ImageStim
Image presented during resting conditions.
- restPeriodbool
If True, a resting period will be proposed before the task.
- resultPathstr
The subject result directory.
- screenNbint
The screen number (Psychopy parameter). Default set to 0.
- serialserial.Serial
The serial port used to record the PPG activity.
- startKeystr
The key to press to start the task and go to next steps.
- taskVersionstr or None
Task version to run. Can be ‘Garfinkel’, ‘Shandry’, ‘test’ or None.
- textsdict
Dictionary containing the texts to be presented.
- textSizefloat
Text size.
- triggersdict
Dictionary {str, callable or None}. The function will be executed before the corresponding trial sequence. The default values are None (no trigger sent). * “trialStart” * “trialStop” * “listeningStart” * “listeningStop” * “decisionStart” * “decisionStop” * “confidenceStart” * “confidenceStop”
- times1d array-like of int
Length of trials, in seconds.
- winpsychopy.visual.window
The window in which to draw objects.