Fitting a psychometric function at the subject level#

Author: Nicolas Legrand

import pytensor.tensor as pt
import arviz as az
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import norm

import pymc as pm


In this example, we are going to fit a cummulative normal function to decision responses made during the Heart Rate Discrimination task. We are going to use the data from the HRD method paper [Legrand et al., 2022] and analyse the responses from one participant from the second session.

# Load data frame
psychophysics_df = pd.read_csv('')

First, let’s filter this data frame so we only keep subject 19 (sub_0019 label) and the interoceptive condition (Extero label).

this_df = psychophysics_df[(psychophysics_df.Modality == 'Extero') & (psychophysics_df.Subject == 'sub_0019')]
TrialType Condition Modality StairCond Decision DecisionRT Confidence ConfidenceRT Alpha listenBPM ... EstimatedThreshold EstimatedSlope StartListening StartDecision ResponseMade RatingStart RatingEnds endTrigger HeartRateOutlier Subject
1 psi Less Extero psi Less 2.216429 59.0 1.632995 -0.5 78.0 ... 22.805550 12.549457 1.603353e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 False sub_0019
3 psiCatchTrial Less Extero psiCatchTrial Less 1.449154 100.0 0.511938 -30.0 82.0 ... NaN NaN 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 False sub_0019
6 psi More Extero psi More 1.182666 95.0 0.606786 22.5 69.0 ... 10.001882 12.884902 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 False sub_0019
10 psi More Extero psi More 1.848141 24.0 1.448969 10.5 62.0 ... 0.998384 13.044744 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 False sub_0019
11 psiCatchTrial More Extero psiCatchTrial More 1.349469 75.0 0.561820 10.0 72.0 ... NaN NaN 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 1.603354e+09 False sub_0019

5 rows × 25 columns

This data frame contain a large number of columns, but here we will be interested in the Alpha column (the intensity value) and the Decision column (the response made by the participant).

this_df = this_df[['Alpha', 'Decision']]
Alpha Decision
1 -0.5 Less
3 -30.0 Less
6 22.5 More
10 10.5 More
11 10.0 More

These two columns are enought for us to extract the 3 vectors of interest to fit a psychometric function:

  • The intensity vector, listing all the tested intensities values

  • The total number of trials for each tested intensity value

  • The number of “correct” response (here, when the decision == ‘More’).

Let’s take a look at the data. This function will plot the proportion of “Faster” responses depending on the intensity value of the trial stimuli (expressed in BPM). Here, the size of the circle represent the number of trials that were presented for each intensity values.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
for ii, intensity in enumerate(np.sort(this_df.Alpha.unique())):
    resp = sum((this_df.Alpha == intensity) & (this_df.Decision == 'More'))
    total = sum(this_df.Alpha == intensity)
    axs.plot(intensity, resp/total, 'o', alpha=0.5, color='#4c72b0', 
             markeredgecolor='k', markersize=total*5)
plt.ylabel('P$_{(Response = More|Intensity)}$')
plt.xlabel('Intensity ($\Delta$ BPM)')


The model was defined as follows:

\[ r_{i} \sim \mathcal{Binomial}(\theta_{i},n_{i})\]
\[ \Phi_{i}(x_{i}, \alpha, \beta) = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} * erf(\frac{x_{i} - \alpha}{\beta * \sqrt{2}})\]
\[ \alpha \sim \mathcal{Uniform}(-40.5, 40.5)\]
\[ \beta \sim |\mathcal{Normal}(0, 10)|\]

Where \(erf\) denotes the error functions and \(\phi\) is the cumulative normal function.

Let’s create our own cumulative normal distribution function here using pytensor.

def cumulative_normal(x, alpha, beta):
    # Cumulative distribution function for the standard normal distribution
    return 0.5 + 0.5 * pt.erf((x - alpha) / (beta * pt.sqrt(2)))

We preprocess the data to extract the intensity \(x\), the number or trials \(n\) and number of hit responses \(r\).

x, n, r = np.zeros(163), np.zeros(163), np.zeros(163)

for ii, intensity in enumerate(np.arange(-40.5, 41, 0.5)):
    x[ii] = intensity
    n[ii] = sum(this_df.Alpha == intensity)
    r[ii] = sum((this_df.Alpha == intensity) & (this_df.Decision == "More"))

# remove no responses trials
validmask = n != 0
xij, nij, rij = x[validmask], n[validmask], r[validmask]

Create the model.

with pm.Model() as subject_psychophysics:

    alpha = pm.Uniform("alpha", lower=-40.5, upper=40.5)
    beta = pm.HalfNormal("beta", 10)

    thetaij = pm.Deterministic(
        "thetaij", cumulative_normal(xij, alpha, beta)

    rij_ = pm.Binomial("rij", p=thetaij, n=nij, observed=rij)
with subject_psychophysics:
    idata = pm.sample(chains=4, cores=4)
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [alpha, beta]
100.00% [8000/8000 00:04<00:00 Sampling 4 chains, 0 divergences]
Sampling 4 chains for 1_000 tune and 1_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 4_000 draws total) took 4 seconds.
az.plot_trace(idata, var_names=['alpha', 'beta']);
stats = az.summary(idata, ["alpha", "beta"])
mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
alpha 2.241 1.600 -0.831 5.255 0.029 0.022 3106.0 2279.0 1.0
beta 7.463 1.856 4.563 11.037 0.034 0.025 3395.0 2775.0 1.0


Here, \(\alpha\) refers to the threshold value (also the point of subjective equality for this design). This participant had a threshold at estimated at 2.25, which is just slightly positively biased. The \(\beta\) value refers to the slope. A higher value means lower precision. Here, the slope is estimated to be around 7.46 for this participant.


Extrace the last 10 sample of each chain (here we have 4).

alpha_samples = idata["posterior"]["alpha"].values[:, -10:].flatten()
beta_samples = idata["posterior"]["beta"].values[:, -10:].flatten()
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))

# Draw some sample from the traces
for a, b in zip(alpha_samples, beta_samples):
        np.linspace(-40, 40, 500), 
        (norm.cdf(np.linspace(-40, 40, 500), loc=a, scale=b)),
        color='k', alpha=.08, linewidth=2

# Plot psychometric function with average parameters
slope = stats['mean']['beta']
threshold = stats['mean']['alpha']
axs.plot(np.linspace(-40, 40, 500), 
        (norm.cdf(np.linspace(-40, 40, 500), loc=threshold, scale=slope)),
         color='#4c72b0', linewidth=4)

# Draw circles showing response proportions
for ii, intensity in enumerate(np.sort(this_df.Alpha.unique())):
    resp = sum((this_df.Alpha == intensity) & (this_df.Decision == 'More'))
    total = sum(this_df.Alpha == intensity)
    axs.plot(intensity, resp/total, 'o', alpha=0.5, color='#4c72b0', 
             markeredgecolor='k', markersize=total*5)

plt.ylabel('P$_{(Response = More|Intensity)}$')
plt.xlabel('Intensity ($\Delta$ BPM)')

System configuration#

%load_ext watermark
%watermark -n -u -v -iv -w -p pymc,arviz,pytensor
Last updated: Wed Nov 08 2023

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.9.18
IPython version      : 8.17.2

pymc    : 5.9.1
arviz   : 0.16.1
pytensor: 2.17.3

pytensor  : 2.17.3
matplotlib: 3.8.1
numpy     : 1.22.0
pandas    : 2.0.3
seaborn   : 0.13.0
arviz     : 0.16.1
pymc      : 5.9.1

Watermark: 2.4.3