Source code for systole.plots.plot_circular

# Author: Nicolas Legrand <>

import itertools
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.axes import Axes

from systole.plots.utils import get_plotting_function

[docs]def plot_circular( data: Union[pd.DataFrame, List, np.ndarray], y: Optional[str] = None, hue: Optional[str] = None, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None, units: str = "radians", bins: int = 32, density: str = "area", norm: bool = True, mean: bool = False, offset: float = 0.0, palette: Optional[List[str]] = None, backend: str = "matplotlib", figsize: Optional[Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, int]]] = None, ax: Optional[Axes] = None, ) -> Axes: """Plot polar histogram. Parameters ---------- data : The angular data in radians or degrees (see `units`). If a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` is provided, the values are in the `y` column and the colors in the `hue` column. If a list is provided, it should contain arrays or list of angular values. Otherwise a list or numpy array should be provided (just one condition). y : If data is a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance, `y` should be the column containing the angular values. hue : Columns in data encoding the different conditions. labels : The conditions labels. units : Unit of the angular values provided. Can be `"degree"` or `"radian"`. Default sets to `"radians"`. bins : Number of slices in the circle. Use even value to have a bin edge at zero. density : How to represent the density of the circular distribution. Can be one of the following: - `"area"`: use the area of the circular bins. - `"height"`: use the height of the circular bins. - `"alpha"`: change the transparency of the circular bins. Default set to `"area"`. This method should be prefered over `"height"` as increasing the height of the bars is increasin their visual importance (area) non linearly. The `"area"` method can control for this bias. norm : If `True` (default), normalize the distribution between 0 and 1. mean : If `True`, show the mean and 95% CI. Default set to `False`. offset : Where 0 will be placed on the circle, in radians. Default set to `0`. palette : Color palette. Default sets to Seaborn `"deep"`. backend : Select plotting backend. Currently, only `"matplotlib"` is supported. figsize : Figure size. Default is `(13, 5)`. ax : Where to draw the plot. Default is `None` (create a new figure). Returns ------- ax : The matplotlib axes containing the plot. Notes ----- The density function can be represented using the area of the bars, the height or the transparency (alpha). The default behaviour will use the area. Using the heigth can visually biase the importance of the largest values. Adapted from [#]_. The circular mean was adapted from Pingouin's implementation [#]_. Examples -------- Using a numpy array of angular values as input. .. plot:: import numpy as np from systole.plots import plot_circular x = np.random.normal(np.pi, 0.5, 100) plot_circular(data=x) Using a DataFrame as input. .. plot:: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from systole.plots import plot_circular # Create angular values (two conditions) x = np.random.normal(np.pi, 0.5, 100) y = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi*2, 100) data = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': x, 'y': y}).melt() plot_circular(data=data, y='value', hue='variable') References ---------- .. [#] .. [#] """ # Define color palette if palette is None: this_palette = itertools.cycle(sns.color_palette("deep")) elif isinstance(palette, list): this_palette = itertools.cycle(palette) else: raise ValueError("Invalid palette provided.") # Create axis if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) # Define figure size if figsize is None: if backend == "matplotlib": figsize = (5, 5) # Create list of angular values and labels # depending on the number of conditions if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = [data] if labels is None: labels = ["Condition 1"] elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): assert data.shape[0] > 0, "Data must have at least 1 row." if hue is None: data = [data[y].values] if labels is None: labels = ["Condition 1"] elif isinstance(hue, str): new_data = [] for cond in data[hue].unique(): new_data.append(data[data[hue] == cond][y].values) if labels is None: labels = data[hue].unique() data = new_data elif isinstance(data, list): labels = [] for i in range(len(data)): labels.append(f"Condition - {i}") plot_circular_args = { "data": data, "palette": this_palette, "labels": labels, "units": units, "bins": bins, "density": density, "norm": norm, "mean": mean, "offset": offset, "figsize": figsize, "ax": ax, } plotting_function = get_plotting_function("plot_circular", "plot_circular", backend) plot = plotting_function(**plot_circular_args) return plot