Example gallery#
This section demonstrates some of the basic functionality of systole.
Outliers and artefacts detection
Outliers and artefacts detection
Detecting and correcting artefacts in peaks vector
Detecting and correcting artefacts in peaks vector
Detecting and correcting artefacts in RR time series
Detecting and correcting artefacts in RR time series
Plot pointcare
Plot frequency
Plot circular
Plot instantaneous heart rate
Plot short and long invertvals
Plot short and long invertvals
Plot ectopic beats
Plot subspaces to vivualize short/long and ectopic beats
Plot subspaces to vivualize short/long and ectopic beats
Plot raw physiological signal
Plot events
Plot evoked
Instantaneous Heart Rate
Recording PPG signal
Heartbeat Evoked Arpeggios (cardiac-contingent stimuli)
Heartbeat Evoked Arpeggios (cardiac-contingent stimuli)