Source code for systole.plots.plot_frequency

# Author: Nicolas Legrand <>

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from bokeh.plotting._figure import figure
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from systole.hrv import psd
from systole.plots.utils import get_plotting_function
from systole.utils import input_conversion

[docs]def plot_frequency( rr: Union[np.ndarray, list], input_type: str = "peaks", fbands: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[str, Tuple[float, float], str]]] = None, figsize: Optional[Union[List[int], Tuple[int, int], int]] = None, backend: str = "matplotlib", ax: Optional[Axes] = None, **kwargs ) -> Union[figure, Axes]: """Plot power spectral densty of RR time series. Parameters ---------- rr : Boolean vector of peaks detection or RR intervals. input_type : The type of input vector. Default is `"peaks"` (a boolean vector where `1` represents the occurrence of R waves or systolic peaks). Can also be `"rr_s"` or `"rr_ms"` for vectors of RR intervals, or interbeat intervals (IBI), expressed in seconds or milliseconds (respectively). fbands : Dictionary containing the names of the frequency bands of interest (str), their range (tuples) and their color in the PSD plot. Default is:: { 'vlf': ('Very low frequency', (0.003, 0.04), 'b'), 'lf': ('Low frequency', (0.04, 0.15), 'g'), 'hf': ('High frequency', (0.15, 0.4), 'r') } figsize : Figure size. Default is `(13, 5)`. ax : Where to draw the plot. Default is `None` (create a new figure). backend : Select plotting backend (`"matplotlib"`, `"bokeh"`). Defaults to `"matplotlib"`. Returns ------- plot : The matplotlib axes, or the boken figure containing the plot. See also -------- plot_events, plot_ectopic, plot_shortlong, plot_subspaces, plot_frequency, plot_timedomain, plot_nonlinear Examples -------- Visualizing HRV frequency domain from RR time series using Matplotlib as plotting backend. .. jupyter-execute:: from systole import import_rr from systole.plots import plot_frequency # Import PPG recording as numpy array rr = import_rr().rr.to_numpy() plot_frequency(rr, input_type="rr_ms") Visualizing HRV frequency domain from RR time series using Bokeh as plotting backend. .. jupyter-execute:: from systole import import_rr from systole.plots import plot_frequency from import output_notebook from bokeh.plotting import show output_notebook() show( plot_frequency(rr, input_type="rr_ms", backend="bokeh") ) """ # Define figure size if figsize is None: if backend == "matplotlib": figsize = (8, 6) elif backend == "bokeh": figsize = 600 if input_type != "rr_ms": rr = input_conversion(rr, input_type=input_type, output_type="rr_ms") freq, power = psd(rr) # Interpolate PSD line for plotting f = interp1d(freq, power, kind="cubic") freq = np.arange(0.003, 0.4, 0.001) power = f(freq) # Clip power to avoid values < 0 before plotting power = np.clip(power, a_min=0, a_max=None) # type: ignore plot_frequency_args = { "freq": freq, "power": power, "figsize": figsize, "fbands": fbands, "ax": ax, } plotting_function = get_plotting_function( "plot_frequency", "plot_frequency", backend ) plot = plotting_function(**plot_frequency_args) return plot